Barisan To Lose 2/3 Majority due to "Anwar" Factor.
The Day Before (analyst comments)
Basically, what we are seeing right now is that there is a massive swing against the Barisan Nasional among the ethnic Indian and Chinese electorates," said Merdeka Center research firm pollster Ibrahim Suffian.
"And also a significant swing of about 15 percent, I estimate, from among the Malay electorate as compared to the 2004 elections," he said, referring to the Muslim Malays, who dominate the nation's population.
Judging by the extent to which the unofficial reports are coming through there is a slim chance that the BN's two-thirds majority [in parliament] might be breached," he said.
The opposition, rallied by former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim, has formed a loose alliance aimed at depriving the coalition of its two-thirds majority that allows it to change the Constitution at will.
(sehari sebelum hari pilihanraya)
Buat sekalian rakyat Malaysia,Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Penentuan sudah semakin hampir. 8 Mac 2008 bakal menyaksikan apakah rakyat bersedia untuk berubah ke arah Malaysia yang lebih mapan dan baik, ataupun mahu terus kekal dan terperosok dalam lipatan sejarah 50 tahun kemerdekaan negara yang penuh rencam.
Sebermula saat hari penamaan calon lagi,pelbagai penipuan telah disajikan oleh Umno-BN melalui SPR sebagai boneka mereka. Pengenalan duti setem, pemansuhan duti setem secara tiba-tiba, kempen yang tidak seimbang, ugutan dan ancaman berbaur samseng ke arah calon pembangkang, pengesahan SPR mengenai wujudnya 8,666 pengundi berusia 100 tahun ke atas, pengundian pos yang tidak rahsia, sehinggalah pemansuhan penggunaan dakwat kekal kepada pengundi atas alasan ‘keselamatan awam.’
Penipuan-penipuan ini pastinya bertujuan untuk mengekalkan pemerintahan Umno-BN, di saat mereka gelabah melihat rakyat sudah berani menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka di semua pelusuk Malaysia. Tetapi sayang, penipuan ini memberi gambaran bahawa rakyat di mata Umno-BN adalah rakyat yang mudah diperkotak-katik dan diperbodohkan sewenangnya.
Inilah yang dikehendaki Umno-BN, agar rakyat mengalihkan pandangan, seterusnya menjadi leka dalam amarah. Lantas mereka menyusup menggunakan strategi kotor, termasuklah mengimport pengundi hantu di beberapa kawasan khususnya Kelantan, Terengganu dan tidak ketinggalan di Pekan, Pahang. Pembangkang dicemuh melalui media tanpa ada ruang untuk kita memberi respon balas. Saya, yang sebelum ini dikatakan ‘tidak relevan lagi’ dalam politik Malaysia, saban hari diasak dengan pelbagai jenis fitnah dan tuduhan-tuduhan dangkal. Ironinya sambutan dalam program ceramah dan rapat umum mencecah ribuan pengunjung tanpa perlu sogokan wang ringgit mahupun elemen hiburan.
Dari Utara membawa ke Selatan, kesempatan berkempen selamat 13 hari diisi dengan baik. Alhamdulillah saya telah menyaksikan kebangkitan rakyat hampir di seluruh negara, dan perjuangan ini bukan perjuangan picisan, ini perjuangan rakyat yang ingin bangkit daripada penindasan zalim Umno-BN! Sambutan ke atas calon-calon KeADILan termasuklah PAS dan DAP sangat memberangsangkan, dan kelihatan Umno-BN terus terdesak dan kalut. Meskipun mereka menguasai media arus perdana, mereka terus berada dalam keadaan bertahan. Manifesto KeADILan, PAS dan DAP langsung tidak mereka kupas, sebaliknya hanya menyerang, menyerang dan menyerang membabi buta.
Saudara-saudari sekalian,
Setiap rakyat berhak memperoleh peluang untuk melangkah dengan lebih baik. Malaysia punyai potensi yang sangat hebat, tetapi sayang potensi ini pudar dek rakusnya permainan politik Umno-BN yang terus memasung minda rakyat dengan sentimen perkauman sempit yang sarat dengan unsur-unsur rasuah. Sistem kehakiman mudah dijual beli tauke judi, jenayah kian berleluasa dengan kes-kes rogol, ragut dan bunuh semakin meningkat. Polis tidak lagi bertugas mengawal ketenteraman awam, sebaliknya dikerah memantau pergerakan pembangkang. Inflasi semakin menggila, gaji kian menyusut, akhirnya rakyat terus hidup melarat. Yang diseru BN, agar rakyat terus bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.
Apa yang perlu anda lakukan pada 8 Mac 2008 adalah keberanian untuk berubah. Komitmen KeADILan jelas, kemenangan yang saudara/saudari berikan kepada KeADILan dan pakatan pembangkang lainnya akan diterjemahkan dengan penurunan harga petrol, kawalan inflasi dan kenaikan harga barang,usaha membanteras jenayah yang lebih padu, pendidikan percuma yang fleksibel untuk semua, dan kerajaan yang lebih adil dan saksama kepada semua rakyat tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa.
KeADILan telah mengemukakan Manifesto berjudul Harapan Baru untuk Malaysia yang begitu peka kepada menyediakan penyelesaian masalah-masalah asas rakyat Malaysia. Dan harapan yang dijanjikan KeADILan ini akan direalisasikan melalui calon-calon KeADILan yang datang daripada pelbagai latar belakang serta mempunyai kaliber dan kredibiliti yang sangat baik.
KeADILan, PAS dan DAP telah pun memainkan peranan untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia daripada lemas dalam arus kemusnahan dek nafsu serakah pimpinan Umno-BN dan tauke-tauke judi. Tinggal anda untuk membuat keputusan. Segalanya boleh direalisasikan, melalui anda, rakyat Malaysia yang bermaruah.
Saya yakin dan percaya bahawa rakyat Malaysia kini telah matang dan bijak, dan kebijaksanaan itu akan diterjemahkan dengan mengundi KeADILan, PAS dan DAP pada 8 Mac 2008 ini sebagai satu usaha untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia.
Kini tiba masanya Malaysia menjajat masa depan dengan Harapan Baru yang lebih cerah dan perkasa. Penentuan di tangan anda. Kepada Tuhan kita berserah.
Selamat menunaikan tanggungjawab anda sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang bermaruah!
Fellow Malaysians,Assalamualaikum and warmest greetings,
The moment of truth is upon us. The 8th of March 2008 is the pivotal moment of our time - when the people of Malaysia have a choice between changing to a better, more wholesome Malaysia; or continuing to be trapped and shackled by 50 years of a chequered independence.
From day one on nomination day itself, fraud upon fraud has been the hallmark of Umno-BN, through their ever-willing puppet, the EC. The introduction of stamp duties, followed by its abrupt abolition; uneven campaigns and gangster-like threats towards opposition candidates; the EC’s admission that there are apparent 8, 666 votes above 100 years of age; un-secret postal votes; and most shockingly - the abolition of the use of indelible ink on the grounds of ‘public safety’.
These absurd frauds are clearly desperate attempts to maintain the rule of Umno-BN, even as they shiver in fear, seeing the readiness of the people to voice out their dissatisfaction across the length and breadth of the country. But what is truly sad is that it seems, from this endless series of trickery, that in the eyes of Umno-BN, the people of Malaysia are so easily manipulated and fooled with impunity.
That is what Umno-BN wants - for the people to shift their attention away from them, into a morass of deception and misplaced distrust. Dirty tactics are the order of the day, including the ‘import’ of phantom voters in certain areas, including Kelantan, Terengganu and not forgetting Pekan, Pahang. The opposition is blasted daily in the mainstream media, with barely an opportunity to respond to the allegations. I myself, supposedly ‘irrelevant’ in the arena of Malaysian politics, have been attacked mercilessly day in and day out with an array of libellous accusations. Ironically though, thousands seem to attend Opposition talks without ever needing the incentives of money or ‘entertainment’.
From North to South, I am glad to say that we have made the best out of our 13 days of opportunity. Alhamdulillah, I have been privileged enough to witness the people of Malaysia rise up across the country. Far from being a marginal struggle, this is a struggle for all our people, who have long wished to free themselves from the tyranny of UMNO-BN! The response given to our KeADILan candidates, as well as our comrades from PAS and DAP, has been nothing short of phenomenal, while Umno-BN looks increasingly desperate by the day. Even with their complete control of the mainstream media, they continue to be on the defensive - rather than engage with our manifestos, they have only managed to attack us blindly, stabbing in the dark with no real rhyme or reason.
My dear brothers and sisters,
Each and every Malaysian has the right to an opportunity for a better life. Malaysia has tremendous potential, but it has been worn down and suppressed by the vile political games of Umno-BN, who continue to poison our minds and bind our potential with narrow racial sentiments and the all-destroying ooze of corruption. The judiciary has become the marketplace of gambling kings; crime is endemic, with rape, snatch theft and murder all on the rise. The police have been taken away from their positions as guardians of public safety, and shunted instead to the useless surveillance of opposition figures. Inflation is spiralling out of control, even as wages shrink; and the people just keep on suffering. And what does BN tell us? That we should be thankful for what we have.
What you need to do on the 8th of March 2008 is to have the courage to change. KeADILan’s commitment is clear. The victory that you grant to us will translate into reduced petrol prices, a lid on inflation, a more sustained and credible effort at tackling crime, free education for all; and a government that is fair and just to all its people, regardles of race and religion.
KeADILan has given you a Manifesto titled A New Hope for Malaysia, which strikes at the heart of the basic problems that the average Malaysian faces today, and offers you solutions for tomorrow. The hope that KeADILan promises shall be realised by each and every one of our candidates, coming as they do to you from all sorts of different backgrounds, united by their shared credibility and calibre of the very highest degree.
KeADILan, PAS and DAP have played their roles in saving Malaysia from its current course of self-destruction, fanned by the greed and lust of the Umno-BN leadership and the gamblers of the nation’s future. Now, it is your time to make a choice. All our hopes and dreams for the nation are now but a step away from being realised - it is in your hands, as a citizen of Malaysia, endowed with dignity and the freedom of choice.
I firmly believe that the people of Malaysia are a mature and wise people, and I am confident that that wisdom will be translated into votes for KeADILan, PAS and DAP come this 8th of March 2008, in the name of saving our beloved Malaysia.
It is now time for Malaysia to tread the path towards a new future, armed with a New Hope, great and bright in its promise of glory. The choice is in your hands. And in God we trust.
I wish you all the very best, as you fulfil your civic duty tomorrow in bringing about a better Malaysia for all.
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